Advanced Active Device Tech Expo

Advanced Active Device Tech Expo

September 25-27,2024 | SWEECC H2


Implanted Interventional Medical Devices

Wearable medical devices and implants are becoming more prominent in a wide range of applications such as health monitoring devices and biomedical implants, which provide continuous measurements of biomarkers and medical diagnostics.
Wearable medical devices and implants are becoming more prominent in a wide range of applications such as health monitoring devices and biomedical implants, which provide continuous measurements of biomarkers and medical diagnostics.

Implanted Interventional Medical Devices

Wearable medical devices and implants are becoming more prominent in a wide range of applications such as health monitoring devices and biomedical implants, which provide continuous measurements of biomarkers and medical diagnostics.
Wearable medical devices and implants are becoming more prominent in a wide range of applications such as health monitoring devices and biomedical implants, which provide continuous measurements of biomarkers and medical diagnostics.